Our Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do.

They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

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  • We show respect for others’ opinions, beliefs and cultures.
  • We respect the ability to discuss, challenge and disagree with others.
  • We respect ourselves by behaving in the best way possible.
  • We respect our property and the property of the school and of our peers.
  • We respect the rules of our school, our family rules and the laws of our country.
  • We are responsible for our own actions and accept the consequences of our actions too.
  • We share responsibility for our class, our year group and our school.
  • We will take responsibility when things go wrong.
  • We will share responsibility when things go well.
  • We are responsible for our own learning, our own happiness and our own success.
  • We will treat everyone equally – but not necessarily the same.
  • We will see the person before we see the skin colour, religion, sexuality, gender or disability.
  • We will challenge when we witness inequality.
  • We will try and find the best in every situation, not the worst.
  • We will treat people as we would want to be treated.
  • We are kind to ourselves by taking care of our mental well-being and physical health.
  • We show kindness by demonstrating empathy, respect and tolerance towards others at all times both in real life and online.
  • We show kindness by building meaningful relationships with others.
  • We show kindness to the environment, including all living things, including plants and animals.
  • We show kindness by looking after our community and the people within it. We will challenge when we witness unkindness.
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Our Vision & Values

Our Vision & Values